growing blackness off grey
space divided by foreground background
positive negative
nestled between two worlds
radio waves have their way
and allow me to unfold
but eyes too yearn to reach closer to a sense of focus
and the mind's eye clouded by consciousness
scrambling for reason and structure
rhythm finds a beat
no matter the chaos
through lost lineage
through scaling
poisonous perspectives permeate interpretation of the past
this memory has fault lines
integrated lenses, past self is reinterpreted by current self
a double exposure
onion skins peeled
and realigned
as opposites attract
so does soft and softness
without a pure direction
stories overlap
always giving a different understanding
without memory...
self as a broken record
a splitting of stems into three: trifurcate trunk composed of three lenses,
past self, present consciousness, future expectations.
each past through the curved glass changes the past
memories of happiness reach for the light